Policies and Procedures
Read here for informartion on how to become a great member of JVPNG!Jersey Village Professional Networking Group: Policies and Procedures
Dated as of: Dec 10, 2018
The Jersey Village Professional Networking Group (JVPNG) is a non-exclusive and membership-fee free organization focused primarily on the Northwest Harris County, Texas area. JVPNG strikes a balance between social and professional networking to create a high energy environment that promotes greater fellowship among members and fosters ongoing business relationships. With the rapid growth in weekly attendance from half a dozen people upon inception, June of 2013, to in excess of 50 weekly attendees. It is now necessary to re-apply for membership as the group will be a bit different going forward.
In implementing this group structure it is necessary to define membership, outline how it is attained as well as maintained. JVPNG deals primarily in the currency of visibility, and like any valuable resource, it must be managed wisely.
Membership Benefits:
- Ability to display business cards & material in luncheon welcoming area
- Opportunity to host/sponsor JVPNG events
- JVPNG Facebook page membership
- Profile listing on JVPNG website
- Directory listing
- 10 Minute Spotlight opportunity at weekly luncheon 30 – 60-second introduction at weekly luncheon
Attaining Membership: There will be 3 clear-cut categories:
- Visitor – Not a Member. Visitors may visit up to 2 times per quarter without applying for membership. Must be invited and endorsed by a current member, and will be limited to a 10-15 second introduction at the beginning of the meeting.
- Applicant – Not a member, but wants to become a member. Must submit an application by the end of their second meeting. We will review it and if they meet the minimum requirements and they have no category conflicts or red flags, then they can apply. They get temporary access to the JVPNG Facebook page.
- Member – Privileged to give a commercial, and a 10 minute featured presentation, placed on JVPNG.com, and is eligible for group endorsement online, eligible for leadership positions, etc.
Grandfathered members:
- Have been attending meetings regularly since January 2014, and continue to do so
- Purchased a JVPNG membership badge
- Contact: ;Mark Prehoda
To Become a Member:
• Complete a membership application (https://jvpng.com/online-application/)
• Must attend 5 of 6 meetings in a row after submitting their application.
• Complete a One-On-One with Brad Kellam, Gilbert Castillo, Mark Prehoda, Rick Jones and Dwayne Johnson within the first 6 weeks of meeting attendance.
• If we all agree that they are a fit then we will formally announce their membership at the next meeting they attend.
• Purchase a JVPNG membership badge.
Maintaining membership:
Attendance at the weekly JVPNG luncheon and outside events are integral to making the group work, but perfect attendance is not expected. However, regular membership status will require a high level of participation.
Members who miss 6 consecutive lunch meetings or miss lunch 3 meetings a month for 3 consecutive months will be considered inactive. Members may send a substitute to represent their business as needed to avoid an absence.
Must attend at least 2 meetings a month, although we want more of course. Can send substitutes
A move to the inactive list comes with a delisting from the directory, ineligibility of visibility opportunities, and forfeiture of their spot in categories considered “at capacity”. Inactive members will have to reapply. Leadership will be more proactive in managing “at capacity” categories if a trend of absences by a member or excessive substitutions are noted.
Multi-level marketing members of JVPNG should represent their products and services in JVPNG, not the business opportunity element of their business. Accusations of misconduct will be brought to the attention of the leadership team and handled privately. Disputes between members are never to be discussed at our weekly luncheons or events.
Category Management:
JVPNG will impose no limit on people (businesses) per similar business category but we try to keep this down to two companies of the same occupation. However, should a member become inactive, and then wish to return to the group, they will be required to reapply as a new member and will not be exempt from category limits.
With the introduction of category limits, members will now be limited to representing only one business which must be their primary occupation and not a part-time job.
Wednesday Luncheon Agenda (subject to revision)
- 11:00-11:45 Sign in and networking
- 11:45-12:00 Announcements/kickoff/education
- 12:00-12:30 Introductions
- 12:40-12:50 Spotlight
- 12:50-1:00 Last minute announcements/adjourn
Conduct for members: JVPNG Code of Ethics and Policies
The Origin of JVPNG’s Code of Ethics and Policies ?The JVPNG Code of Ethics and all JVPNG Policies have been approved by the Board of Advisors. They are all members from our group world who meet to discuss issues that deal with the concerns of members. JVPNG’s policies dealing with the standards expected from our members were created by members, for members.
JVPNG members are expected to learn and abide by these policies. Founders, Leadership Teams, and Membership Committees are entrusted with the enforcement of these policies.
When evaluating members in response to complaints by other members, please apply the following Code of Ethics to the situation. This is not meant to be a list of specifics, but can be applied in principle to almost any conflict or complaint.
Upon acceptance to JVPNG, I agree to abide by the following Code of Ethics during the tenure of my participation in the organization:
- I will provide the quality of services at the prices that I have quoted.
- I will be truthful with the members and their referrals.
- I will build goodwill and trust among members and their referrals.
- I will take responsibility for following up on the referrals I receive.
- I will display a positive and supportive attitude with JVPNG members.
- I will live up to the ethical standards of my profession.
NOTE: Professional standards outlined in a formal code of ethics, supersede the above standards. (This means that a member belonging to a profession that has a more stringent standard must adhere to that standard. An example of this is the state and national financial services standards for Finance Professionals licensed to sell securities in that state. It should be noted that no professional standards outlined in a formal code of ethics may lower JVPNG ethical standards, or avoid compliance with JVPNG policies.)
- The membership committee has final authority relating to allowing new members member status.
- Members must represent their primary occupation, not a part-time business.
- The weekly meetings last for 90 minutes. Members need to arrive on time and stay for the entire meeting.
- Attendance is critical to the group. If a member cannot attend, you are encouraged to send a substitute to the meeting. A member is allowed absences but after continued missed attendance membership will look to replace your business category with someone who can make the commitment to attend.
Members are required to bring bona-fide referrals and/or visitors to JVPNG. We may establish a minimum number of referrals and/or visitors that is acceptable to maintain membership but have not done this at this writing May 7, 2019. - Visitors may attend chapter meetings up to two times.
- Anyone may bring a door prizes. Anyone present eligible for the door prize.
- A member may take medical leave with the Membership Committee’s approval if an attempt is made to have someone “fill-in” during the medical leave.
- It is the member’s responsibility to file a concern with the Membership Committee if a visitor “who submits an application in any way conflicts with the member’s classification.” This should be done before the visitor is approved for membership. If there are no complaints, the Membership Committee will “assume their consent.”
- Members who wish to change their classification must submit a new membership application and get approval from the Membership Committee for the classification change.
- In case of problems with a member, Membership Committees may, at their sole discretion, remove a member relating to the member’s business practices or commitment to the chapter.
- A member’s classification may be opened for failure to comply with the policies and/or the code of ethics of JVPNG. Membership Committee may open classifications. In the absence of a Membership Committee, the Leadership Team may fulfill that responsibility.
- Policies are subject to change. The Leadership Team will be notified regarding all changes.
- In the absence of a Membership Committee, the Leadership Team may act as an ad hoc Membership Committee until one is established. ??15. JVPNG membership lists are for the purpose of ‘giving’ referrals and not for soliciting (via e-mail, direct mail or other means) JVPNG members without their prior approval.
- All new members must do a One On One with a minimum of 3 Founders; Gilbert Castillo, Brad Kellam, Rick Jones, Mark Prehoda, Chris Fulton, or Dwayne Johnson, within the first 90 days of their participation. Only after attending the One On One meetings may the new member be added to the “speaker rotation” for the chapter. Any new members not having One On Ones with the Founders within the first 60 days after being inducted into the chapter will be subject to having their classification opened by the Membership Committee.
- There are no fees other than buying your JVPNG badge. Lunch is paid for by each member. *We reserve the right to institute a fee structure should we see it necessary to maintain the high quality of our services.
- JVPNG may establish chapters in any city or community with people interested in developing a referral-based business. In addition, JVPNG reserves the right to open more than one chapter per community or city where JVPNG’s services are requested.
- If we institute Membership fees, they are payable 30 days before the due date. Fees not paid by the first meeting of the month they are due are considered late and will be subject to a late charge. If fees are not paid within 15 days, the member will be officially dropped by JVPNG.
- Fees are nonrefundable. A Certificate of Credit will be given, upon request, to members in good standing for the unused portion of their time.
- Fees cannot be transferred from one person to another unless the fees are from the same company.
- JVPNG has a strict policy on returned checks. A member has three working days in which to contact his or her JVPNG office and resolve the matter. Any returned checks not resolved within this period will be turned over to collections. All returned checks will be assessed a minimum $25 returned-check fee. If a member passes a second NSF check, that member will be subject to immediate termination.
- JVPNG is a marketing service provided by JVPNG. JVPNG or any of its franchisees reserves the right to discontinue a member’s participation in this program.
Program Guidelines are not policies, but are recommended practices that allow chapters to run more smoothly and effectively.
- Members visiting other chapters should announce that they are from another chapter.
- Visiting members must not do or say anything that competes with a member of that chapter.
- The chapter should be cautious in giving referrals to individuals they don’t know, including visiting members.
- Visiting members should pay for their own meal.
- Before visiting another chapter, the visiting member should call that chapter’s President first.
- A visiting member should visit on the same basis as a regular visitor, i.e., no more than twice.
Absences and tardiness mean less business for members; therefore, the Membership Committee of a chapter may give warnings to members who are consistently late or leave early. If the problem continues, the member’s classification may be subject to being opened by the Membership Committee.